Candidate Experience 101

As HR professionals, we live in a world revolving around talent management, compensation, and workplace safety. Even so, we often tend to lose sight of one of the most important aspects of the very first role itself: the candidate experience.

It wasn’t long ago when companies focused on becoming the employer of choice. Today, the savviest HR people know that harnessing the power of candidate experience is critical to creating lasting brand impressions. 

But what is candidate experience, and how does it impact your employer brand?

Let’s examine what makes the best candidate experience — and leave you with some key takeaways to help you offer a “positive” one.

What is candidate experience?

Candidate experience can include everything from the first touchpoint of the initial job search to applying for a job, appearing for the interview, and even beyond. It’s the overall experience jobseekers have when interacting with your brand during the recruitment process.

Getting off on the wrong foot can hamper not just a candidate’s experience, but also your chances of attracting the right talent. So, ensure that all your recruitment processes, methods, and approaches align with the candidate's experience. For it decides not just your recruitment and hiring success but also your company’s overall success. 

Candidate Experience

Why does positive candidate experience matter?

Here is why you must treat positive candidate experience as a top priority rather than an afterthought:

1. More opportunities for attracting top talent

Candidate experience is an underrated tool when it comes to finding the best candidates. A company that’s known for its negative candidate experience usually puts off top talent, preventing them from applying for a job there. And in such a scenario, the company loses not just the best talent, but also the growth and revenue they bring along.

2. Streamlined, faster recruitment process

Candidate experience can be the starting block of a systematic, standardized recruitment process. When you know what candidates like or dislike about your company’s hiring approach, you can make the requisite changes and chalk out a streamlined and faster recruitment process – which is a win-win.

3. Improved employer branding

Word-of-mouth stays as relevant with jobseekers as it does with customers. Although the number of people going through your recruitment process may seem meager, the impact that they can leave on your employer brand isn’t. 

Candidates with a bad experience will talk more about you than those who have had a good experience. So, the next time you put a candidate alone in a conference room for twenty-five minutes before beginning their interview, think of the repercussions. 

And with career sites like Glassdoor, you can’t really afford to share with the world all the not-so-good things about your recruitment process. 

After all, over 74% of Glassdoor users read at least four reviews before forming an opinion about a company. That’s huge. And it makes a strong case for taking candidate experience seriously.

Candidate experience

Candidate experience: best practices

Investing in an efficient candidate experience is easier said than done. Learning the ropes from the companies offering the best candidate experiences can help a great deal. And at Wiggli, we have got you covered. We bring you some of the best practices that you can take inspiration from and convince candidates that yours is the perfect place to work.

1. Offer more than just content

Your website’s career page is the magnet that pulls candidates. It must offer more than the regular content (read: job opportunities). Think beyond those boring job descriptions and take some time to inform and attract.  And while you are at it, do it the P&G way. 

Procter & Gamble adopts an easy-to-follow hiring process and makes sure that jobseekers get all the information they need right there on their hiring page.

The company brilliantly breaks down the hiring process into four simple steps: Application, Assessment, Interviews, and Offer. And each stage comes with individual details highlighting what a candidate can expect from the recruitment process and vice versa. They also get the option to submit a Disability Accommodation Request. Recruitment simplified.

2. Keep them moving forward

Let’s be honest: no jobseeker is a fan of oblivion. That’s why businesses need to help their candidates keep moving forward by giving them regular updates about their recruitment journeys. After all, there’s nothing more off-putting than investing your time in a job application that has gone on “mute” mode. So, be upfront with your decision and state it clearly rather than leaving your candidates hanging or chasing you for updates.

3. Personalise the process 

Move beyond the common practice of sending random job alerts to potential job seekers. Embrace personalization. is a fantastic example here. The company helps candidates create personalised job alerts, which makes finding their perfect job more straightforward. 

When you put extra effort and deliver more than ordinary to the candidates, your chances of making a positive impact increase multifold. Capitalize on it.

4. Think unique

Finding the right people isn’t always about a match of skills, qualifications, and experience. It’s also about matching the candidate’s personality with the role they are applying for. 

Manufacturing giant Kimberly-Clark understands the importance of personality traits pretty well. And so, the company uses a quiz to test the candidate’s personality type.

While it’s not a screening tool, the company sees it as a great conversation starter between recruiters and candidates. Plus, it highlights how people with different personalities bring their unique advantages to the team. The perfect ice-breaker, we’d say!

Uncover the benefits of a positive candidate experience 

While it may not be the magic cure-all of all your talent management woes, remember that attracting the right talent starts with a great candidate experience. So, go ahead and follow the tips mentioned above to uncover the benefits of a positive candidate experience. 

At Wiggli, we ensure that you don’t have to worry about missing the connection with your candidates. With our knowledge and information, we offer you a holistic view of what successful HR means. Leave your comments in the section below and we’ll be happy to help.

10 Recruiting Tips for Hard-To-Fill Roles

We no longer live in an era where finding talent is easy. The days of posting a job, sifting through the applications, and making a quick hiring decision are long gone. Today, you can't just hope to hire the best talent. You get to work for it. And work hard. That's why we've got your back with some recruiting tips.

With the changing dynamics in the recruitment industry, the time to level up your recruitment plan is now. After all, recruiting employees is no cinch. In an era where everyone wants to hire the right candidates for their jobs, the competition in the HR world is fiercer than ever. When the going is already tough, how to find the perfect fit for some of the most challenging positions out there? 

In this article, we will share some useful tips to find the ideal candidate for hard-to-fill positions. But first, let's understand why are some roles tough to fill as compared to others.

Why are Some Roles Hard to Fill?

If you're serious about finding the right talent for your job, chances are you are keen to learn what makes a position difficult to fill. We can help you scratch the surface with some recruiting tips and insights sourced from the top industry research reports. 

Here are some common reasons why certain roles are difficult to fill:

While the reasons why a job can get hard to fill may be many, you can always turn the tables. All you need is the right knowledge. Read on to find out how you can hire top talent for the most difficult roles to fill. 

10 Recruiting Tips for Hard-To-Fill Roles 

Today's world offers an endless supply of talent, yet many HR professionals are still struggling to take advantage of that talent. It's time to think beyond the standard recruitment practices and start using the following recruiting tips to attract talent for hard-to-fill roles.

Here's what you can do to turn your recruitment challenges into opportunities: 

Find Loopholes To Eliminate Friction

At times your existing hiring process needs a careful review to find loopholes that may make hiring difficult for some roles. It could be a longer-than-usual waiting in between interview rounds. Or lack of the right information for the candidates. Collectively, these small loopholes make the job hiring a lot less smooth than it should be. So, steamroll hiring bottlenecks and expedite your recruitment process by giving it a major overhaul.

Create A Strategy

Once you have eliminated friction from your existing recruitment process, it's time for a revival. Create a strategic recruitment plan that focuses on your hiring goals. From the right job-posting platforms and active talent pipelines to the tools that make recruitment faster and more straightforward, there are several things you need to consider while finalizing a recruitment strategy. 

Build Your Social Media Presence

Armed with social media, organizations can hire people best suited for tough jobs. For example, by having a presence on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram, and staying relevant with interesting job promotions on all these channels, you can attract and network with prospective candidates. Highlight your company's strengths on all these platforms and keep track of the key metrics that tell what works and what doesn't to improve candidate engagement

Need some inspiration to build your social media presence? What Accenture does here is solid gold. 

Check Accenture’s different social media profiles to find out why it’s the perfect example of impressive employer branding.

Focus On The Job Description

A job description is one of the most critical elements of a successful recruitment process. To ensure that potential candidates don't scroll past your job content, consider these recruiting tips in your description:

  1. Make it compelling
  2. Work with the hiring manager to understand the job's critical requirements, the experience, qualifications needed, and the benefits offered
  3. Use positive language in the description 
  4. Show the prospective candidates why your company is the employer of choice by including links to your social media pages

Lean Into Employee Referrals

Give your hiring process a positive push with employee referrals. By requesting your employees for candidate recommendations, you get an additional (and much-needed) tool to recruit for hard-to-fill roles. Thus, make employee referral campaigns a part of your recruitment strategy and nurture your connection with your employees. 

By making your employees your hiring buddies, you can quickly scale up your teams and bring in more qualified leads for potential employees. And it's a cost-saving tool too. Imagine not having to pay external recruiters to find the right fit for a job! Wonderful, isn’t it?

Elevate Your Employer Brand

Employees today need more than fat paychecks and lavish perks. They seek a culture that aligns with their values, lifestyles, and long-term goals. And as a brand, you ought to give it to them. 

Create a positive employer brand with growth and development opportunities, excellent online presence, social responsibility, and sustainability initiatives, and you are sure to attract candidates for those otherwise hard-to-fill roles

That's because when you work towards standing out in the recruitment landscape, you deliver impressions that you care for your existing and future workforce. And that, there, is a lead magnet for top talent.

Also, don't forget the importance of positive communication throughout the recruitment process. Each interaction that you make with a candidate should leave them with a positive outlook toward your brand, no matter the hiring decision.

Remember, candidates these days have the power of social media to bring any negative aspect of your organization into focus. And that's the last thing you would want while building a strong employer image to hire for hard-to-fill positions.

See how leading customer data platform Segment has built a strong employer brand with content that shows why it is a great place to work. 

Leverage Internal Mobility

Sometimes when hiring goes awry, it's time to pump the brakes and stop wandering. You may need to look within the organization to find what you have been searching in the outside world. 

When you take the internal hiring route, you find resources that are already well-acquainted with your corporate culture and the way your business works. 

Training and upskilling existing employees and preparing them to step up the ladder by taking up hard-to-fill roles is an efficient cornerstone for talent succession as well. 

Go For Interim Staffing

If internal hiring isn't working for you and finding the right candidate through external recruitment practices seems like a far cry, try interim staffing. One of the best reasons to go for temporary staffing is that it keeps the work going on till you find the ideal permanent employee for the role. It's also a fantastic tactic to test the waters and judge a candidate's caliber before making them permanent. 

Hiring a skilled interim employee is also an excellent decision when it comes to training new or existing employees so that they can take up that hard-to-fill role with greater confidenceknowledge, and skills.

Extend Your Talent Circles

Every company wants to win the war for talent. But only a few care to move beyond the traditional recruitment channels and extend their talent circles to achieve that goal. 

Build a constant pipeline of talent by exploring networking sites like LinkedIn and Facebook. Dig into web groups, forums, and related sources to find talent. 

Also, consider recruiting fresh talent to make the most of their out of box thinking and new ways of handling tough jobs. 

Analyse, Tweak, and Persist

While strategic thinking and branding can help your brand draw talent for hard-to-fill jobs, there's no substitute for continuous improvement. Monitor your process regularly to find bottlenecks and modify your strategy as per the changing scenarios. 

As Lawrence Bossidy said, "Nothing we do is more important than hiring and developing people. At the end of the day, you bet on people, not on strategies." 

Examine the changes needed, make them, and keep at it. It's the roadmap to setting benchmarks with realistic compensations and perks. And that’s what will take you toward the employees you need for hard-to-fill roles.

Build Your Talent Team Like a Pro 

The takeaway from all these recruiting tips? HR people need to go the extra mile to recruit for those hard-to-fill roles. After all, these are hard-to-fill jobs! So, you need to do more than you usually do to achieve hiring success with them.

Dive deeper into your processes to create a winning recruitment strategy for filling the most challenging jobs. Think creatively. Network more. Focus on building a brand. And leverage industry insights to hire like a pro. 

Feel free to reach out to Wiggli for an aide that can help you through the hiring process from start to finish and set yourself up for recruitment success.

Happy hiring!

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