The Art of Implementing a Flexible Work-Week

The number of people working remotely has increased swiftly over the last couple of years. Taking into account the vaccination drive and implementation of SOPs, life is getting back to normal. However, many businesses are figuring out more flexible schedule policies to facilitate employees who want to work remotely. 

Some companies think that allowing employees to choose where they work or when they work will lead to a loss of productivity.

Do you think a flexible work week will lead to a loss of productivity? 

We don’t think so. In this post, we will help you implement a flexible work-week policy while maintaining or improving productivity. First, let’s take a look at what it really means when we use the term ‘flexible workweek’. 

Defining a Flexible Work-Week 

Work flexibility refers to practices of giving employees the freedom to decide when, where, and how long they want to work. This approach allows employees to get the work done at their own pace while aligning their work-life with their personal or family needs. Here are some of the key features of a flexible workweek: 

4-Days Week 

Organizations are thinking about having a 4-day week where employees work 32 rather than 40 hours per week. There has been an ongoing debate on the efficacy of the four-day week in the media. Research suggests that reducing work hours improves employees’ well-being without having any impact on productivity. However, it’s important to implement this strategy the right way. Developing a step-by-step guide will help you implement a flexible workweek. 

Remote Work 

Another great way to incorporate a flexible workweek is to allow your employees to work remotely. We know how remote work has gained popularity amid the Covid pandemic. As an employer, you need to take a fresh look at what we can do better and implement effective remote strategies. 

From a workers’ standpoint, the demand for remote work is on the rise across industries as they feel more empowered and productive than they did before. People are willing to quit or change their careers when companies force them to resume work from the office. Pushing your people to the point where they start thinking about quitting is a shortsighted mistake with long-term consequences. 

You can’t lose your talented workers by having a rigid work policy. So, engage your employees and talk to them about their preferences. Moving forward into the future, you need to intentionally implement remote work policies to retain your employees. All you have to do is use collaboration tools and workflows

Let’s talk more about the 4-day week and how you can implement it without losing productivity! 

Incorporating the 4-Days Work-Week 

If adjusting work hours is possible for your business, here are some recommendations you can apply to make it work:

Shift Your Mindset 

We are likely to focus on quantifiable things like hours worked rather than qualitative metrics such as well-being and productivity. This is why companies use the time at the office to measure employees’ commitment to work even when those measures tell nothing about the real value added to the business. 

To make a four-day workweek reality, you need to shift your mindset and focus more on actual productivity. It could lead your employees to have a healthier work-life balance without worrying about penalties for having some flexibility. A four-day workweek, thus, should be implemented as a companywide policy rather than an optional perk. 

Define Your Goals and Metrics 

You should embrace the uncertainty attached to experimenting with anything new. Therefore, when implementing a four-day week, be ready to go through a trial and error stage. This doesn’t mean you don’t have to plan anything. Have a well-thought-out plan to deal with new challenges. 

Both business leaders and employees should be actively involved in the process to make important decisions. It would be a good idea to form a committee to figure out a perfect reduced-hours program. An employee-driven committee can meet for an hour each day to identify potential challenges and propose solutions before launching the four-week workweek initiative. Here are some questions you need to ask: 

Have a Communication Plan 

Make sure you address the concerns of your internal and external stakeholders in a proactive fashion. Internal concerns could include how the change will impact your workforce. Make sure you clearly outline why you want to have the four-day workweek. Communicate with your employees that they will receive the same benefits without any cut. 

Reducing interruptions and eliminating operational inefficiencies can make it possible for you to have a successful four-day workweek program. Besides, the pandemic has taught workers how to be more efficient and deliberate in scheduling collaboration time. 

Run and Access the Initiative 

When you run a pilot, don’t expect everything to work from the start. You’ll be able to identify the tools and technologies you need to make a four-day workweek work. Issues you face during the pilot stage should not be considered a failure. Work hard to fine-tune your plan continuously. 

You can use both qualitative and quantitative metrics to understand the outcome of your initiative. So far as qualitative metrics are concerned, conduct group interviews to gain valuable insights. Ask your employees to explain their experience with the four-day workweek. If your employees are taking fewer sick days during the pilot, it simply means they felt less stressed. 

Final Thoughts

We understand that different workers are more productive and focused at different times of the day. So, instead of worrying too much about the number of hours worked, focus on results, deadlines, and the well-being of your employees. 

Unraveling the Different Types of Colleagues

Workplaces are like a TV show where every performer has their own unique act. It's inevitable to encounter a diverse range of coworkers, and different types of colleagues, each with their own distinct behaviors and work styles.

Have you ever contemplated classifying colleagues based on their characteristics? Moreover, have you ever wondered which category you fall into?

Let's shine the spotlight on the wacky yet professional types of colleagues you're bound to encounter.

The 13 types of colleagues:

1. The Grumpy Cat 

In every office, there are individuals who perpetually grumble about everything. In fact, these chronic complainers seek an outlet for their frustrations. Engaging in constructive discussions with colleagues is encouraged, but just make sure not to get caught in their web of negativity!

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2. The Gossip Brewer 

We all know at least one coworker who seems to be well-informed about everything happening in the office. While indulging in occasional workplace gossip during breaks is fun, sometimes, and may seem harmless, excessive focus on unnecessary discussions can be counterproductive.

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3. The Quiet Colleague

Shh! While some are gossiping, there are those who prefer silence in their workspace. Being quietly focused on the tasks at hand can have its advantages:

However, it's important to strike a balance by engaging in occasional conversations to establish connections.

Zip It Keeping Up With The Kardashians GIF by E! - Find & Share on GIPHY

4. The Attention Grabber  

Lights, camera, action! Behold the masters of capturing the spotlight. These natural-born performers possess the skill of captivating others' attention effortlessly. They're like walking human billboards—always promoting something in the workplace, be it their ideas or themselves!

Shocked Margot Robbie GIF by Bombshell Movie - Find & Share on GIPHY

5. The Yes Man 

The champion of agreement, the king or queen of compliance. No matter how wild or unreasonable the request, they'll nod their heads and say, "Yes!" While impressing superiors can be tempting, blindly adhering to every order may not be the most effective approach in every situation.

Season 9 Yes GIF by Friends - Find & Share on GIPHY

6. The Dream Destroyer

Invariably, there are those who derive pleasure from belittling others' ideas and dreams, the nemeses of ambition. Their skepticism and discouragement can destroy the spirits of ambitious colleagues. That being said, recognize the value of constructive feedback, but be cautious of those who consistently undermine your aspirations. Even the greatest heroes face doubters, so keep on dreaming!

Guardians Of The Galaxy Motorcycle GIF by Marvel Studios - Find & Share on GIPHY

7. The Sleeper 

Struggling to leave the comfort of their beds, sleepers begrudgingly make their way to work, often longing for the opportunity to return to sleep. Witness the grand art of napping on the job!

Hey, it's all about power napping for peak productivity, right?

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8. The “It’s-None-of-My-Business”  

Need help? Forget about it!

These colleagues are all business, all the time. They've mastered the skill of avoiding entanglements and keeping their focus solely on their own tasks. In brief, they prioritize their own responsibilities above all else. If you seek support, they will respond with a disinterested, "It's none of my business."

I Dont Season 8 GIF by Friends - Find & Share on GIPHY

9. The Motivational Colleague

Brace yourself for the burst of energy! These spirited colleagues are like human cheerleaders, fueling the team with their infectious enthusiasm. They're the office's walking batteries, inspiring and guiding others toward accomplishing tasks in an engaging manner. Evidently, their infectious positivity helps maintain high spirits throughout the office for all types of colleagues.

King Of Queens Running GIF by TV Land - Find & Share on GIPHY

10. The Hard Worker

Notice that colleague who never takes a break? The office workaholic, the relentless seeker of success.

These dedicated souls put in their blood, sweat, and tears (well, mostly sweat) to get the job done. Moreover, they have an unquenchable thirst and willingness to continuously learn and grow. Just be sure to remind them that life exists outside the office walls!

Confused Work From Home GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

11. The Tech Junky 

In every workplace, there is a tech-savvy individual who eagerly embraces new devices, software, and tools. As a result, their expertise makes them the go-to person for every technical hiccup. Whether it's a smartphone glitch or a computer conundrum, they've got the solution with all the tech tricks up their sleeves!

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12. The Look-busy-do-nothing Type 

Witness the grand illusion of productivity! These employees appear perpetually occupied, but their productivity fails to align with their apparent busyness. These masters of deception have perfected the art of appearing busy while achieving next to nothing. In reality, they seek ways to shirk responsibility while giving off the impression of diligence. A performance worthy of an Oscar, indeed.

Work Working GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

13. The Hard-to-Understand Type 

Have you ever encountered a coworker who at first glance seemed distant or unapproachable? Eventually, you were pleasantly surprised to discover their remarkable qualities. These enigmatic colleagues can surprise us by defying initial impressions, ultimately becoming your favorite out of all types of colleagues. As you unravel the layers of their personality, you discover hidden depths and a surprisingly delightful camaraderie.

Confused For Real GIF by ALLBLK - Find & Share on GIPHY

Which type of colleague are you?

We've showcased a colorful cast representing the different types of colleagues who make the workplace a carnival of personalities.

Perhaps, as you were reading you thought of some familiar faces you encounter at work.

Take a moment to reflect: which of these delightful characters resonates with your own professional persona? Are you more of a motivator or a mix of a grumpy, sleepy cat? 

Using the personality tests provided within Wiggli can help you identify what type of colleague you might potentially recruit!

How To Stay Focused In A Connected World

Undoubtedly, we’re rapidly moving toward a fully connected world at an unprecedented pace. From mobile work environments to smart homes, technology is reshaping the way we work and perform our day-to-day things. Most organizations have already realized the numerous benefits of hyper-connectivity as it leads to improved collaboration, agility, and productivity.

People go online to work, play games, buy their favorite products, and spend quality time. Everything is at the tip of your fingers. For instance, you can control your devices at home whether you are at the office or miles away from your city. The growing trend of remote work is making it possible for people to get rid of geographical boundaries.

You can stay home and work with a company that is thousands of miles away. The new digital era is simply accelerating innovation and disruption in every walk of life. Companies are creating new business opportunities, discovering new audiences, and creating new business models.

While most of us understand how hyper-connected is beneficial to businesses and daily life, it’s critical to address the negative impacts of an excessively connected environment. For example, it is becoming increasingly difficult for workers to stay focused.

We have so many things around us that can distract us. Take your smartphone as an example. Whether you’re an employee or run your own business, you have to maintain a work-life balance.

In this blog post, we’ll find out how to stay focused in a hyper-connected world. We’ll cover the following:

Blog Summary

What is a hyper-connected world?

Living in a hyper-connected world - Key Stats

Common workplace distractions

How to Stay Focused

Staying focused during the pandemic

Let’s get started!

What is a hyper-connected world?

Simply put, being hyper connected means that everything is communicating from your dishwasher to the fuel sensor. It is an environment where information sharing is streamlined from people to people, people to machines, and machines to machines. When we say machines, it refers to every device that can be connected to the internet: home appliances, industrial equipment, vehicles, computers, medical devices, etc.

Here is what Wikipedia tells us about hyper-connectivity:

“Hyper-connectivity is a term invented by Canadian social scientists Anabel Quan-Haase and Barry Wellman, arising from their studies of person-to-person and person-to-machine communication in networked organizations and networked societies. The term refers to the use of multiple means of communication, such as email, instant messaging, telephone, face-to-face contact and Web 2.0 information services.”

Living in a hyper-connected world - Key Stats

We regard our smartphones, computers, and tablets as indispensable both personally and professionally. But they can seriously affect our ability to stay focused. Spending too much time on social media and email reduces engagement and productivity at work and home.

Here are some important stats to consider:

Not sure what the word “engaged” really means in this context? The term “engaged” is defined as being psychologically committed to work and contributing to the organization.

A productivity specialist, Geraldine Markel says, "when you are distracted or interrupted, you lose your focus, and you feel frustrated and irritated when you don't complete tasks with accuracy or completeness. Distracted workers have lower morale and loyalty and higher fatigue. People who work in a state of constant interruption report higher levels of stress."

Common workplace distractions

Whether you’re working in a busy office or from home, distractions are an inevitable part of our professional lives. A study found out that a typical office worker gets interrupted every 11 minutes.

It’s important to note down that our brains need 25 minutes to refocus on the original task.

Udemy conducted a survey and found out that workplace distractions negatively impact workers’ performance, potential, and productivity. When people get distracted often, they tend to work faster. Which ultimately affects work quality and leads to stress and anxiety.

Research from Michigan State University tells us that a short interruption like silencing the buzzing smartphone can have a negative impact on your ability to complete a task. It found out that an interruption of about three seconds doubles the error rate. Let alone the brief interruptions like checking out your Snapchat or text messages.

Before we dig deep into strategies to improve focus in a hyper-connected environment, let’s take a quick look at common distractions that can seriously kill your productivity or ability to efficiently perform the task at hand.

How can you deal with digital overload? What are the strategies to live in a hyper-connected world while staying focused and productive? Let’s get down to answering these questions.

How to Stay Focused

Digital overload is turning out to be the single biggest workplace problem. Everybody in your team and organization is likely to be bombarded with notifications and messages every day. And in case you’re prone to put off tasks until the last minute, diversions are only a click away.

To stay focused, all you have to do is learn how to control the digital overload rather than letting it control you. But what does it take to conquer digital distractions?

Alexandra Samuel, a technologist, and Larry Rosen, a psychologist came up with two different solutions.

Rosen is of the opinion that we should pull away from technology to regain focus. In other words, we should limit the time we spend on our devices by taking breaks and doing other things like meditation and exercise.

Samuel, however, thinks differently. She recommends that we should embrace technology and manage information overload.

These are two entirely different techniques to deal with hyper-connectivity. But it will help you start your journey toward a more focused and dedicated worker or household.

The following are some of the most effective strategies to consider:

Restrict what comes your way

Technology itself isn’t a problem, but the way we use it can be problematic.

First of all, you need to understand what’s important in your life and whatnot. If you can’t resist looking at your phone all the time, whether at the office or evenings at home, you’re not alone.

But it’s high time to set clear priorities and use technology correctly. With so much work, communication, and socializing taking place, turning off your devices is not a viable solution. Nonetheless, we can certainly minimize our digital overuse by restricting the flow of information. For example, you can control what emails should reach your inbox. After all, you don’t work for your inbox.

Some tools can help you make online communication more productive and focused. But first, you have to realize that you don’t have to check out all of your emails or things going on in your social media. In other words, filter out the noise.

People who successfully restrict what comes to their inbox are likely to be more effective at communicating with clients and colleagues. Email tools like Gmail and Outlook enable you to filter messages. Use them to ensure that only essential messages reach your mailbox.

There are emails that you don’t have to see immediately. Here is a quick tip: set a short-term, autoresponder explaining what you’re doing and when you will be back. For example, “I’m stepping away from my inbox to complete this task. I’ll be back in 30 minutes.”

Multitasking is not always a good idea

We like to multitask. It’s possible to do two or more things at the same time. For example, you can walk and listen to music simultaneously. But doing multiple things at the same time can hurt your performance and the quality of your work. For instance, looking at your Facebook during a meeting or conference call will impact your ability to focus on things that matter the most.

Earl Miller, an MIT Neuroscientist, states that multitasking causes mistakes, ruins productivity, and impedes creative thought. Therefore, it’s advisable not to multitask and focus on one thing at a time. That’s how you get things done quickly and correctly.

Strengthen your attention management skill

You must learn how to control your attention because it will determine the life you live. In today’s digital world where so many things are interconnected, distractions are everywhere. So, it’s critical to practice controlling distractions and being present in the moment.

Pro Tip: Be intentional instead of reactive.

Digital addiction is a common condition. Instead of using technology to streamline our lives, we get hooked by it. Digital devices steal our attention and make it hard for us to direct our attention to important things. Improving your attention management skill will help you stay away from distractions and have control over your priorities and time.

Control your environment

When it comes to working, you should set boundaries with others whether you’re working from home or in an open-office setting. It would be a good idea to put up a “do not disturb” sign when you need to focus. If your environment makes it hard for you to focus, try to work in a different part of the office or home. Letting your colleagues and family know that you have to do heads-down work can be helpful.

If you’re using productivity or automation tools to get your work done, use the “do not disturb” feature to avoid distractions. Most mainstream workplace tools offer this feature.

Turn off notifications

Let me say it again: technology is here to serve you and not the other way around. The good news is that it’s not hard to control your devices. For example, turn off notifications or put your devices on silent when you need to focus on important things.

Remember, notifications are designed to steal your attention. Take social media as an example. Social networking sites want us to stay online all the time. Non-stop stream of our favorite content can be hard to resist. So, keep your phone out of your sight.

People often think notifications are not that distracting because those notifications’ sounds last for only a few seconds. But when we get distracted, it becomes difficult to regain the focus and get back on track again.

Take phone-free breaks

Most workers turn to their smartphones during breaks. Studies tell us that employees who use phones on breaks feel less productive and restored after getting back to work. In 2019, a study was conducted to explore what makes workers happy. It found out that less happy employees are more likely to spend time on social media during lunch breaks.

Another study explored the effects of breaks on regaining vitality at work. According to this study, people who take quick breaks without their phones feel more energized and less emotionally exhausted than people who spend their breaks staring at screens.

Therefore, make sure you or your team adopt positive break habits such as moving around, meditating, or talking with colleagues.


It’s a brilliant idea to fight fire with fire. If hyper-connectivity is making your life a mess, use technology to resolve the issue. Apps like Feedly or Flipboard can help you find the most relevant information on social media and blogs. Automating some of your online work can make your life easier.

For instance, tools like Hootsuite can help you schedule posts or reach multiple platforms from one place. We’ve already talked about email filters.

Coexist with technology and still have inner peace

The hyper-connected world is here to stay. But we must practice how to disconnect on a frequent basis. Prioritize spending time with family and friends. Also, schedule some time alone every day to reflect and re-energize.

Instead of sending text messages and pictures, try to interact with real people. If you’re a business leader, engage your team and teach them how to co-exist with technology while losing your inner peace and focus.

It’s possible to find your inner peace in a noisy world full of digital distractions.

While new work management and productivity tools help us save time and expand our creativity, workers are becoming more and more dependent on technology.

Constant stimulation in the form of digital media is killing our creativity and productivity. Don’t let that happen to you or your team.

Convert hyper-connectivity into Hyper-productivity

Virtual meetings, interviews, and video conferencing are inseparable components of today’s work environment. However, the rise in the use of communication tools doesn’t necessarily boost employees’ productivity.

To convert hyper-connectivity into hyper-productivity, organizations have to come up with the right mix of technology, workspace design, work practices, and management styles. For example, a combination of talent management solutions, best HR practices, and face-to-face interactions can help HR leaders and managers achieve excellent results.

Let’s say you’re a recruiting manager. When you automate most of your repetitive or time-consuming tasks, it becomes easier for you to focus on the most important things like building relationships with top talent. A tool like Wiggli can help you stay focused on your main business objectives: finding the right talent in a cost and time-efficient way.

More tips

Here are some more tips for avoiding distractions in a hyper-connected world:

How to stay focused when working from home

Remote working seems like a dream until you face the challenge to stay focused due to distractions. Some distractions are easy to avoid when working in an office setting. But it can be a real challenge to draw a line between professional and personal life at home.

The most successful and effective remote workers set up clear boundaries and don’t violate them. The following are tips for staying focused when working from the comfort of your home:

Final Thoughts

From an organizational perspective, leaders must help their workers create a more positive digital culture that encourages creativity and happiness. Whether you’re an individual worker, a team, or a business leader, learn to stay focused.

Make the right use of technology and excessive connectivity. Minimize distractions coming from outside sources. Control what’s coming your way. Gardening your attention in today’s digital world is more important than ever. As a business leader, give your team the tools they need to stay focused on things that really matter.

Stress Management: Limit the Damage

The risk of physical illness or distress is a product of a stressful working environment and lack of stress management. When people work in extremely stressful situations, they experience irreparable health damage. While we can refer to workplace rules and regulations that provide guidelines for risk assessment of physical hazards, it’s hard to find a document that addresses the risks of occupational stress or psychosocial hazards. 

April is Stress Awareness Month, which puts special emphasis on public awareness of both the cures and causes of the modern stress epidemic. As a business owner, manager, or leader, how do you help your people cope with stress? 

Job-related stress is a global phenomenon. According to Gallup Poll, 80% of workers experience some type of stress on the job. And more than half wanted to learn how to deal with it. We understand some work stress is normal and natural. However, chronic and extreme pressures seriously impact the health of workers, making it difficult for them to stay fully productive. 

If we look at studies, we will find that chronic work stress is as bad for your health as smoking or inactivity. When you or your employees experience prolonged job stress, it led to health complications like high blood pressure, chronic pain, and a weak immune system. 

A survey exploring the employee experience with work stress found that three-quarters of workers experience high levels of stress. 

In this post, we will dig deep into what is workplace stress management, how companies can manage stress, what causes work stress, what measures companies can take to reduce stress, and the role of managers in handling stress and the risks associated with it.  


What is work stress? 

Here is how HSE defines work-related stress: 

'The adverse reaction people have to excessive pressures or other types of demand placed on them'.

We often feel stressed when we can’t cope with an issue. Employees, similarly, feel stressed when they are unable to handle pressures. For example, when you hire the wrong people that don’t have the required skills to get the job done, they will eventually end up being stressed and unable to perform. Sometimes people feel stressed when they are unable to meet deadlines. 

Another important factor to consider here is the varying ability of human beings to handle stress. One thing stressful for one person might not affect another. Factors like age, skills, experience, and capabilities may determine how an employee copes with a situation. 

Factors that can contribute to work-related stress 

So, what makes people feel stressed at work? Here are some common elements that contribute to work stress: 

We can add more to this list. But these are the leading factors that contribute to work-related stress. If you’re assigning work more than what your employees can handle, it will create stress. If you fail to develop an inclusive work environment, certain people in your team will feel ignored. Likewise, if your employees feel insecure in terms of their jobs, they will end up feeling stressed. 

These are the factors you should be focusing on and comparing your performance against other organizations. Determine whether or not you’re doing enough to address these issues. A systematic risk assessment process will make things easier for you. Also, it’s something more than a survey. Once issues have been identified, you must take concrete actions to reduce the impact. 

stress management

Should every company have a "Stress Management Policy"?

When we say “stress policy”, it covers many important aspects of your business. Stress management is just one of them. Work-related stress, harassment, bullying, or mobbing are now considered major occupational challenges. 

One out of three workers in Europe reports that their lives are affected by work-related stress. Like other mental health problems, stress is often misunderstood. It becomes more manageable when you start treating it as an organizational issue and not just an individual fault. 

So, should you have a “stress policy” that effectively deals with invisible workplace hazards like stress? Here are some stats that will answer this question: 

Considering these alarming stats, it’s crystal clear that you need to have a sound stress policy to address these workplace issues. The policy usually involves identifying stressors and risk assessment. 

What is stress management?

We talk a lot about stress in our daily lives. But we hardly understand what it is and how to manage it. Stress is described as a reaction to a situation. We often feel stressed when the demands of a situation are greater than our ability and resources. For example, one of your employees who isn’t confident in their skills will feel stressed when asked to give a tough presentation. 

Nonetheless, stress isn’t all about a lack of skills or resources. Our behavior toward certain social issues can also make people feel stressed. For instance, discrimination against minorities can make them feel undervalued and unnecessary. 

But the question is how to manage stress or how to make your employees feel comfortable with what they need to do. Chronic stress makes employees believe that there is nothing much they can do to improve their situation. That’s where we need to promote how stress can be managed, both at the individual and organizational levels. 

Stress management is a practice of effectively managing stress in many different ways. It may include strategies that address stress psychologically and physically to help people develop coping skills and resilience.  

stress management

Stress management methods

As a manager or business owner, it’s important for you to help your people handle stress. While workers often dismiss suggestions from the HR department, it’s important to understand that HR professionals can play a positive role in this regard and create a verifiable impact on the health of employees and the company. You can work directly with your staff and handle their concerns to ensure a productive and healthy workplace.

Here are some proven strategies to prepare your people to handle stress in positive ways: 

Talk to your employees 

Regularly check in with your staff to see how they’re doing. The first thing you should do to help your employees manage stress is to understand what bothers them. If you’re not sure what causes the problem, you can’t come up with a solution. So, take some time and talk to your people about everything from their daily routine to job satisfaction. 

It would be a good idea to have a company-wide meeting where you allow your people to express themselves without hesitation. Let them talk about their grievances. Of course, people are often reluctant to express such feelings, but you should try. 

An anonymous survey is also a good idea to learn what your employees really think about their job and the company. 

Encourage Meditation and Mindfulness 

With so much uncertainty and negativity coming from the news, your employees can easily get stressed. One way to manage stress is mindfulness and meditation. Taking a few minutes each day and performing these exercises can have a positive impact on your workplace. 

If you’re unable to hire a professional business coach to train employees on mindfulness, encourage them to use apps and the internet to find as much information as they could. Mindfulness practices bring clarity to their minds and help them focus on the task at hand. 

Create Opportunities for Your Employees to Spend Time Outside 

Going outside is good for you and your employees’ health. It can do wonders for mental health. Unfortunately, the Covid pandemic has made it difficult for us to have such activities. But things will get back to normal soon.

Working continuously without breaks is not good for your people. So, allow them to have a quick company walk and get some fresh air. If your team is too busy to go out for a moment, take your own nature walk and bring your staff with you. 

Develop a Fitness Plan 

As gyms and fitness studios begin to reopen, you should consider providing incentives to those willing to join a gym or yoga studio. Needless to mention that exercise is greatly beneficial to your body and mind. No matter your position in an organization, you must have a fitness plan for yourself as well as for your people. 

More Tips for Stress Management 

If your employees think of your workplace as a threat, then you can’t build good relationships with them. 

Final Thoughts 

The subject of workplace stress becomes even more important at times when companies are struggling to deal with uncertainties associated with Covid-19. The current global health crisis has only added to work stress. 

You have a chance right now to reduce work-related stress and manage the risks associated with it. Of course, burnout is preventable, and you should do everything in your capacity to do so. All you need is a well-thought-out employee well-being strategy. Introduce resilience training and mindfulness classes. Use technology wherever you can to automate your business processes and minimize risk. 

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