To search for candidates in your talent pool Wiggli, follow the steps below :
✅ To start, log in to your Wiggli account and go to the "Search candidate" section.
Then, use the "Search bar" to enter keywords related to the qualifications you are looking for in a candidate.

✅ To obtain more filtered results, you can click on the "Filter bar" and define clear search criteria such as skills, experience, location, and more.
Then click on the "Search" button to see a list of candidates who match your criteria

✅ You can then click on each candidate's profile to view their resume, work history, skills, and other relevant information.

✅ Save candidates who match your criteria on a list that automatically updates whenever a candidate edits their profile by clicking on "save community criteria" button.

? By using the search and filtering options in your talent pool, you can easily find and connect with qualified candidates who have already shown an interest in your company. This can help you save time and resources on recruitment efforts and improve your overall hiring process.
Would you like to attend a demo to see how this works ? Our team is available to walk you through the process and answer any questions you may have. Book your demo now!